Hazelchilds wiccan wanderings

Posts Tagged ‘wiccan

To know your path is to accept that sometimes it can be misguided


My name is Rostaria B Orion, I have been a follower of the wiccan path for over 7 years, I find it an honour to walk this path, I sometimes feel its the goddess that is guiding me.

I have had my joys and sorrows, my happiness and pain, Magick isnt the answer to everything as I have quickly learnt

For example:

I did a spell to manifest the ideal partner my way one of them was for them to be a challenge; oh boy was it a challenge she ended up with a  boyfriend and four kids, she was a dark maiden (thats not to imply she practised dark Magick because she didnt. (or at least she never told me)

The BIG mistake was asking for the challenge, you really have to becareful what you ask for because it could come true!

Magick is a very deftly attunement, you have to be extremely precise by what you say and what your intention is! Always becarfulwhat you ask for.

I dont know about you (I am only 20) but this love game is a nightmare, the goddess aphrodity must be looking down at us and laughing lol


also happy Easter, to anyone who celebrates it

I dont its not my path its not my choice



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